In our opening overview session,
Mark talked about how the 10 things
Google has found to be true relate just as well to the classroom.
1. Focus on the student and all else will follow. We can plan amazing things to do with our class, but if they're not engaged...does it matter? They have to be engaged in what we are doing, not passive.
2. It's best to teach a few things really, really well.
The content we must cover grows daily. It's rare that a teacher says they have covered everything they wanted to in a year. We're going to have to be masters of integration and choosing what to do really well instead of doing it all.
3. Fast is better than slow.
I really don't need to say much about this do I? We've all sat in trainings where we were bored because it was going so slow, it could have been summarized. Get through the lesson and work with the kids that need more of your time. Kids will tune out, just like you will!
4. Democracy in the classroom works.
Give kids choices about what they will do, they'll do better if they buy in.
5. You don't need to be at school to need an answer.
Learning happens 24/7, so questions will come up that kids need to know HOW to find the answer to. Self directed learning is what you are preparing them for. Think of the last few things you learned how to do. Did someone show you or were you self-taught? How did you find out the answers to your questions? Prepare you students for this.
6. You can teach without doing evil.
(Google's version of this is: you can make money without doing evil) I'll let you draw the parallels here.
7. There's always more information out there.
There is always more to know, there is always someone new to learn from...never stop learning.
8. The need for information crosses all borders.
The world is no longer round, it's flat - we're all connected. Reach out and collaborate, connect and share with others around the world.
9. You can be serious without a suit.
Not to be slovenly, but it's what you know not how you look.
10. Great just isn't good enough.
Keep pushing, trying, learning....the best is yet to come.
Which ones do you find to be true?