Friday, January 23, 2009

Digital Copyright: How to be Compliant in a Digital World

This session was presented by Lisa Scherer from Soundzabound. She started the session with this cute video and song by Weird Al Yankovic called Don't Download This Song.

A lot of school systems are having to pay good money for copyright violations. Publishing anything online with music in the background can be copyright violation. Artists aren't the only ones losing money by illegal use, it is also the people that worked on that music. Everyone that had a hand in it.

Educational Use refers to Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia The conference on Fair Use met in 1997 in order to establish some guielines for educational use. You can ask permission to use anything you want, but you can only use what you have permission to use.

The distinction between “fair use” and infringement may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.

Fair use guidelines state that without specific permission there is no web publishing. In education, for fair use it must be relevant to course content, used for face to face instruction, cite the copyright holder, one time use.

Does all of this sound as confusing to you as it does to me? I have to say, I still really don't understand all the guidelines, but I do know there are great resources online to give me guidance. So, the best advice I can give you is to search for your answers and make sure what you're doing is right before you share online.

As I was attending this session, Kristin Hokanson tweeted this to me.

Check out that great resource here.

1 comment:

Melissa Ross said...

Having a general digital copyright training session at Chets might not be a bad idea. As we are all blogging more and more, it is important to be very aware of all of the copyright laws. (Just as we have become very aware of the laws with student privacy - not using names with pictures, etc.)