Friday, July 2, 2010

Podcasting, Mobile Media and Mobile Learning

Mobile Media is a fluid environment through which information is conveyed and learning is accomplished.  Mobile Media can include many devices such as cellphones, e-readers, laptops, netbooks and ipods.  Most students have one of these devices, if not more than one.

How do we learn today?  Here is a good example of how many of us learn:

If we're asking students questions that they can answer by searching Google, are we asking the right questions?

What is a podcast?  It is mostly an audio blog and can also handle video and pdf files.  Podcast ready media is a file that can be made into a podcast but an RSS is a podcast you can subscribe to.
The first thing you need is a host/server, then you publish your RSS feed, then the subscriber listens to it from the server.

Here are some excellent podcasts to follow:

Always On - Katie Morrow and Michelle Bourgeouis
Professional Practice of 1-to-1 schools

Tech Chick Tips - Anna Adam and Helen Mowers
Professional Practice

When working with ipods create playlists according to theme, interest, current events, location, subject areas, create smart playlists by using student names to organize student work.  When using apps, organize by pages and folders.

ItunesU has tons of free content provided by Universities as well as K-12 organizations.
Lawrence Hall of Science
Many states have started putting their students content online. professional development resource
State of Maine

Here are some resources to find out more about podcasting or using ipods in the classroom:
Appolicious is a social network for apps for iphone and other smart phones is a network for apps
iPads for Education

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