My last and final session caused me to be reflective and appreciative.
Leadership 2.0: Using Technology to Lead Others
The presenters were from Nashville Public –Schools Tennessee.
The first 10-15 minutes of the session the presenters were troubleshooting technology problems. This particular piece of technology has caused me problems in the past and I totally related and it just made me grumpy. The appreciative part for me came when they excitedly announced they had just received laptops for their principals and teachers last week. They were elated and my heart sank. We are so fortunate in our school. We have had our laptops for over 10 years. Yea, I know we have had minor issues but can you only imagine just receiving technology tools to increase student achievement? Last week?
Before I left for the conference one of my colleagues had pulled up the blue screen of death. She was in a panic and quite frankly so was I. I didn’t know if it was even possible to recover the stuff (tons of stuff) on her hard drive. I jumped on my computer and typed the words “helpdesk”, placed the work order and followed up with a phone call. My knight in shining armor arrived to take care of everything, our tech, Mike Roberts. I can tell you he has taken care of our team numerous times. In the past I have moaned when something didn’t work properly and lesson plans had to be changed. Well, you will see a new attitude of gratefulness in me; for our tools, our tech department and most of all for the opportunities given to my faculty. I am a thankful girl.
Finally, if you choose do nothing but follow the links and videos that Melanie, Susan and I gathered for you, you will be rich in resources and information.
I am so overwhelmed that my feet are still not touching the ground with all the gathered information. We couldn’t attend everything and we couldn’t speak with everyone, however we did gather as much as possible to bring home to our CCE family and I hope you will find the tools as priceless as I have. I am so appreciative to all of you for allowing this technology dream to come true for me.
Copyright & Technology: Helping Students and Teachers Understand the Issues [Session : Lecture]
Tony Jongejan, Western Washington University Tuesday, 7/1/2008, 2:00pm–3:00pm; HGCC 103 A
Explore copyright rules for classroom media (e.g., music, video, software), resources, and activities to use with students and teachers when discussing copyright issues.
His lecture notes.
Closing Keynote. Dr. Idit Harel Caperton preented her recent invention in 1:1 computing—the Globaloria Networks complete with cases of how today’s social media technology is creating opportunities for student collaboration and global exchange never before possible.
Closing Keynote. Dr. Idit Harel Caperton preented her recent invention in 1:1 computing—the Globaloria Networks complete with cases of how today’s social media technology is creating opportunities for student collaboration and global exchange never before possible.
Marzano - I'm impressed. You know as I read through the notes from the session, I couldn't help but see some of the same language that we were taught in the early days of the America's Choice design about change. They also talked about Early Adapters and Innovators - those teachers that would jump with you into anything because they are natural risk takers and they really like learning just for the sake of learning - being a pioneer is FUN(any names come to mind? Then they talked about those "wait and see" types which this author calls the Majority that just want to wait and see how it works out. They are too overworked to jump right in, but when given the information and seeing that it really does make a difference will join with you. Then they talked about the Laggards - the bottom 10% - those teachers that are never going to change no matter what you do. AC also suggested targeting the Majority because they will come around when they understand that it will make a difference and that it's best for kids. They will provide your tipping point - the critical mass for change to be successful. Change will always be hard but when we recognize the different groups, I think it's easier. AC suggested leaving the Laggards behind and spending no time with them because you are wasting your time. They become the Administration's problem! Loved this post!
I just finished reading through the copyright presentation notes. That was a great refresher for me...I hope people take the time to read up.
Is our new mascot copyrighted or can I get a copy of him for the header on my blog?
We have been given the copyrights to him. Isn't that an amazing gift from Tom Sapp?
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