They shared how they coordinated the work of 40 classes from Ohio to Texas virtually to see which class could get from Jamestown in Virginia to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. The winning class was chosen by spending the least amount of money, in the quickest time and at the same time hitting the most states. The students walked away with many real-life applications. On their virtual journey the students found out a watermelon in Alaska costs $35.00. That's real life.
This dynamic duo used the site moodle to document their trip using journals, upload video and store tons of teacher resources.
Don’t neglect looking at their site. I challenge you.
Don’t neglect looking at their site. I challenge you.
I couldn’t help thinking about how our own work at Chets has been similar taking just a small idea and creating something really big.
I am anxious to see how many of our teachers check the information out and use it in their own classroom. The mission of the presenters was accomplished as I left with ideas and questions of how we can make an idea like this work at Chets Creek. The interactive video-conference piece was really what had pulled me in but I left with more ideas of how students can virtually cross the country and even the world.
Hi KK,
Yes I'm acyually checking in and keeping up with all this incredible info after a morning swim and walk on the beach. I can't wait to see how we will put all of this into action. I know you all are having a great time and are in your element.
Betsy McCall
Okay, I checked it out - always up for a challenge. I know this is a great idea and somehow I should be able to figure out how first grade can extend it to a Great Race across Australia to fit with our theme, but I am so-o-o-o lost... As usual, I will probably need a Melanie one-on-one to figure this one out.... dayle
Wow. Sounds like a great presentation. Wish I could have been there! Thanks for sharing it. I'm contemplating ideas of my own now ...
I'm with dayle. I need more details before I can wrap my brain around it. But what a great way to integrate math (mileage), social studies (regions or the country), writing, and reading. Can you imagine anything more motivating and engaging for our students?
I would agree that their site is quite a challenge. I can't imagine being able to pulll something like that off, but with the talent I teach with - anything is possible!
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