Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Inside Google

Much of our day was spent reviewing or learning all of the amazing applications Google has available for our use: Search, Reader, Docs, Sites, Blogger, iGoogle, Earth, Sketch Up and Maps. Most of these I will be blogging about on my own blog when I deliver professional development. But I want to share with you my favorite fun thing I do with my Google account = iGoogle. Check it out.

Google being Google, they made sure to add some fun tour time in our day. As we walked (we weren't allowed to use scooters due to insurance reasons) the city block length of the fourth floor of Google we walked past several micro-kitchens. They are spaced out about every 150 feet with many yummy snacks to keep your tummy happy and on task while you're at work.

Walking down the hall it's impossible not to notice the white boards on every wall and the write on glass of the offices. These all look like mind maps with ideas, doodles and random jots.
Isn't that fun? I really wanted to write on one but this security guy followed us around all day, so I was afraid to tempt it. :) Here's a video to show you a little more in real time.

We ended our amazing day with a wonderful dinner of crab cakes and filet mignon. And we all officially earned the title of Google Certified Teacher. I hope you'll follow me as I continue on this journey and as I explore all the wealth of resources I now have to go through. I'll share it all with you soon.

10 Things that Google has Found to be True

In our opening overview session, Mark talked about how the 10 things Google has found to be true relate just as well to the classroom.   

1.  Focus on the student and all else will follow.  
We can plan amazing things to do with our class, but if they're not engaged...does it matter?  They have to be engaged in what we are doing, not passive.
2.  It's best to teach a few things really, really well.  
The content we must cover grows daily.  It's rare that a teacher says they have covered everything they wanted to in a year.  We're going to have to be masters of integration and choosing what to do really well instead of doing it all.  
3.  Fast is better than slow.
I really don't need to say much about this do I?  We've all sat in trainings where we were bored because it was going so slow, it could have been summarized.  Get through the lesson and work with the kids that need more of your time.  Kids will tune out, just like you will!
4.  Democracy in the classroom works.
Give kids choices about what they will do, they'll do better if they buy in.
5.  You don't need to be at school to need an answer.
Learning happens 24/7, so questions will come up that kids need to know HOW to find the answer to.  Self directed learning is what you are preparing them for.  Think of the last few things you learned how to do.  Did someone show you or were you self-taught?  How did you find out the answers to your questions?  Prepare you students for this.  
6.  You can teach without doing evil. 
(Google's version of this is:  you can make money without doing evil)  I'll let you draw the parallels here.
7.  There's always more information out there.
There is always more to know, there is always someone new to learn from...never stop learning.
8.  The need for information crosses all borders.
The world is no longer round, it's flat - we're all connected.  Reach out and collaborate, connect and share with others around the world.
9.  You can be serious without a suit.  
Not to be slovenly, but it's what you know not how you look.
10.  Great just isn't good enough.
Keep pushing, trying, learning....the best is yet to come.

Which ones do you find to be true?

Racing into Google Teacher Academy

We've been promised a wild ride here at the Academy with blinding fast information.  

Mark Wagner referred to the book Speed Secrets and the life of a race car driver paralleling with that of an educator.  (This will sound familiar to my Chets Creek friends.)  Don't look at where you are or where you are going, but where you WANT to be. That is what the racers do and that is what we need to do as educators and learners.  

Even though this is not new to me, it still resonates.  I get as excited as the next person about what new thing I want to try in the classroom on Monday...but I need to keep the big picture in mind...what will my teaching look like in a few years?  Am I doing the right things now to get me there?  

Back to my fast paced learning going on today...

Arriving .....Finally, in New York

Any of you who know me well, know that I wake up WAY early to prepare for my day. Part of the reason is that my naturally curly hair doesn't like being straightened and part of the reason is I don't like going anywhere without makeup.

So, I set my alarm for 4:30 am to get to my 7:15 am flight. Imagine my surprise when I peeked open one eye to see what time it was and it was 6:15 am!!!!!! You have never seen such a flurry of getting dressed as I'm screaming at my husband, "I don't know what happened!" (The electricity went off.) He jumped in his car and drove me at a speed that was quite over the speed limit. I arrived at the Jacksonville International Airport with no makeup, yesterday's hair-do in a scrunchy and ran up to the check out desk at exactly 6:47. There I was informed that if you don't have your bags checked 30 minutes ahead of time you can't take that plane. Yes, really. The next open flight out was 2 pm. My husband, who thought we made it on time, was already gone and I hated to call him back...so I had my morning getting ready routine in the public restroom. I only got a few strange looks at the hairdryer, curling iron and makeup spread out everywhere. Thank goodness for wireless internet or I would have lost my mind trying to pass the time!

I finally arrived in New York just before sunset, so the only real look I got at the city was driving through in my cab. A meet up had been planned by a few of the members from the Google Teacher Academy. Many of these people I know from twitter, but have never met face to face. It was fun to get to
meet them and share a meal!

I'm looking forward to attending the GTA today. Google has asked us not to bring cameras and they made us sign a non-disclosure notice, so I'm not sure what my post will be tonight...but I will have something for you!

Picture (left to right): Bill Bauer, me, Jen Dorman, Juliette LaMontagne, John Calvert, Kevin Glass, Andrew Bendelow, Catherine McNulty, Michelle Krill and Dori Eilon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keep an Eye Out!

Keep a sharp eye on your Google Reader or blog subscriptions, because LIVE from the Creek members are on the road again in the next several days.

Toni Chant is headed to Houston, TX to present and attend at the National Council for the Social Studies. And Melanie Holtsman is headed to New York City to Attend Google Teacher Academy. Watch the sneak preview below for a peek into where the academy will be held at Google headquarters!

We can't wait to hear from you!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Electronic Gradebook Coming Soon!

Today we've had the opportunity to attend training for our upcoming attendance and gradebook software. It's very exciting to be able to use this technology to make our lives easier. We will be working with a new gradebook program called On Course Systems starting in January. In addition, there is a planning feature which will allow us to work collaboratively to share lesson plans, class websites, and documents. The rest of our county will be using this program beginning in August of 2009. As Maria and Cheryl would say... It's so easy, a caveman can do it!

As we pilot this program in January, the teachers will only be required to use the attendance and gradebook feature. When this gradebook program goes live for the parents in the fall each parent will have a password to access their own child's grades. Progress Reports will go home that are generated from the system by the teacher. Look for training sessions on site to happen before the holidays... we all loved the program and we think you will too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fostering Math Talk in the Elementary Classroom

Dr. Karen Fuson is the Researcher/Author of “Math Expressions.” She looked around the world at higher performing countries to see how they are teaching math. This session started with a slide that showed the average math lesson with teacher talk in the U.S. and China. The U.S. teacher’s ratio was 2/3rd teacher talk and 1/3rd student talk. The Chinese results were the opposite – little teacher talk and much more student talk.

What is Math Talk? The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) emphasizes the need for students to discuss their mathematical thinking as a way to increase understanding. It is more than having students take turns telling about their problem solving methods or participate in undirected talk rather than actually analyzing and comparing methods. Teachers should help students move along a learning path toward more effective methods of problem solving.

The components of the Math Talk Learning Community are: questioning, explaining mathematical thinking, source of math ideas, and responsibility for learning.

A. Questioning – There is a shift from the teacher as questioner to the students and teacher as questioners.

B. Explaining math thinking – The students increasingly explain and articulate their math ideas.

C. Source of math ideas – A shift from the teacher as the source of all math ideas to students’ ideas also influencing the direction of the lessons.

D. Responsibility for learning –The students increasingly take responsibility for learning and evaluation of others and of themselves. Math sense becomes the criterion for evaluation.

The question of “Is it language or is it Math?” evolved from how a problem is presented. Teachers should model the math, model math talk, stand to the side, and bite their tongue (let students solve, explain, and question.) This was an interesting session that approached math as a scientific discovery model.

Written by: Maria Mallon

FCTM: Computational Fluency in Subtraction

By: Ashley Russell

The second session that we went to on Friday was a session called "Computational Fluency in Subtraction" presented by Ms. Pat Evans.  In this session, Melissa Ross and I got many different ideas for ways to help our students become more fluent with their subtraction combinations (aka "facts").  Although there were many good ideas, Melissa and I particularly liked the following two activities.
Bump Minus 1
Materials: Bump! Minus One game board, one number cube (with numerals 3-8), 10 linking cubes of two different colors (each student uses a different color)
1.Pass out game boards; one per every two players. Players need to decide who will go first by a roll of the dot cube. Lowest number starts the game.
2. First player will roll the cube and place the linking cube on the number rolled MINUS one. For example, if a 4 is rolled the child would say 4-1=3, and place the linking cube on the circle with the 3 inside it.
3. The second player repeats this and play goes on the same way until one of the players rolls a number that is covered by the other player. S/he may then "BUMP" the opposing player's cube off the number and place his/her cube on that number.
4. A number may be "frozen" (cannot be bumped) by the same child rolling the number twice during the game, thus stacking two of the same colored cubes on that number.
5. The game is over when all the numbers are "frozen" or when a player's linking cubes are all used.
**This game could easily be extended by changing the numbers on the cube or on the game board.
Card Magic
Materials: Deck of playing cards (remove tens and face cards, aces represent 1)
Directions: The student removes one card, does NOT look at it, and places it face down, off to the side. Lay out the cards, face up, to resemble a 2-D pyramid.
The remaining card are held in a "deck." The student then finds sums of ten within the displayed cards and removes them, placing them in a "discard" pile. As two cards are removed, two more cards from the deck replace the used cards. The student continues to find sums of ten until all deck cards are used. One card will remain unused. The student must then find the missing addend for the sum of the last ten by "magically" knowing the number that is on the card that was placed face down at the beginning of the game. For example, if the remaining card is a 7, the "Magic" card will be a 3!
This game was so much fun! It is also wonderful practice for combinations of 10 which is an essential skill that all students must master. Plus, the element of "magic" will be sure to lure any student.

FCTM: 10 Lessons Learned from the Olympics

We had the opportunity to hear one of the "feature speakers," Cathy Seeley. She is a 35 year math educator and change facilitator at the local, state, and national levels. She has been a math teacher, district math coordinator, and state math director for Texas Education Agency. She has been part of the Peace Corps, and is a past president of the NCTM. We were all very excited to hear her and left feeling energized and excited! 

  1. Some people can accomplish amazing things. (Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt)  Talented students need a chance to fly.
  2. Sometimes a new star is lurking behind the others. (Kerri Strug, Jason Lezak) We need to expand our reach and know who needs to be developed.
  3. It is easy to miss great things when all you are focused on is results. (Guo Jingjing) We need to look and listen carefully to what students are doing.
  4. Persistence and perseverance pay off. (Dan O’Brien) We may be teaching students not to persevere (TIMMS Study) We don’t give students as much time to conceptionally develop strategies. “Constructive struggling” is good. We should expect students to think and work hard.
  5. The right tools make a difference. (Michael Johnson) Write down something you are not good at and work to get better. We have to get past our fear of knowing that students should have xyz memorized before they get to us. We hold kids back trying to fill gaps. Sometimes when you move ahead, they will fill in the gaps themselves by using tools. Tools exist to get us to higher levels.
  6. Sometimes success comes from where you least expect it. (Jefferson Perez) Raising expectations for every student does not mean to do the same stuff only harder or earlier. It does mean challenging our own habits or beliefs. It does mean setting standards high, believing students can reach them, and doing whatever it takes to help them get there.
  7. We may not ever know what students are dealing with in their life outside of school. (Oksana Chusovitina) Our students are often preoccupied.
  8. Sometimes we mess up. (US Mens Gymnastic team) The tyranny of testing the students may never show us what they know best on every test. Testing can be made more important than student learning. We have to use appropriate ongoing assessment to inform our teaching.
  9. We can always improve – our capacity to learn is unlimited. We can do better than we have ever done before. Do we know who is in our classroom? Differences/challenges/struggles. Do we know or can we learn what it will take to help each student.
  10. We have to pass the torch. Influence them to be the best they can be.

FCTM: Candi Shoppe Place Value

By: Ashley Russell

Melissa Ross and I started the second day of our FCTM conference with a session called "Reorganizing the Candi Shoppe: A Place Value Problem." The presenter of this session was Joanne LaFramenta. We started the session by creating our own definition of the phrase "place value" from a student's point of view and from a teacher's perspective. From there, Ms. LaFramenta explained how uses the situation of a candy shop to get students thinking about place value. For this session, she made the problems more difficult than what would be used in most elementary classrooms. Here was the question that she gave us: How can a candy shop owner keep track of his candy in a more efficient way? All candies are packaged as 8 pieces in a roll and 8 rolls into a box. One situation was to find all of the ways to organize the quantity 192 candies. After several minutes of work time, participants came up with a variety of ways to organize the candies in rolls, boxes, and pieces or a combination of some of the three. Some solutions that were suggested were 3 boxes or 24 rolls. I liked the idea of teaching place value in this way. It would be easy to create accommodations (extensions and easier variations) using the candy shop model.

FCTM website

Art + Literacy

I went to a workshop this morning on Art and Literacy integration. It focused on the emphasizing the elements and principles of Design using painting and poetry. Even through out instructor was at the High School level, there were some parts of the project that could be used at the Elementary level.

Students would create an origami or an accordian style book out of student designed watercolor paper. Students would, then, write
on the pages, the elements and principles of design as well as a descriptive poem. Student also made pinwheels for the "Pinwheels for Peace" project incorporating the elements and principles. Some of the books, designed, were more sculptural in their design using intricate cut outs that "popped out" when opened, making for a beautiful art piece.

Other projects that our instructor told us about was having students create "new" inventions that reflected a certain principle of design. They worked in groups to go through elaborate planning and advertising of their new invention from the imagination" stage all the way through to the "advertising" stage. Of course, this would take more time than I have with the students, but it was amazing how many academic disciplines were involved from start to finish. The examples that she showed were really quite creative. Maybe we can do some cooporative work and bring this down to our students creative level

Written by: Jen Snead

Saturday, October 18, 2008

NAEA General Meeting

At our general meeting today we heard from Debra Reed who is the executive director of the National Art Education Association. She was also part of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and is maintaining a relationship with both principals and Superintendants. She spoke about the current situation of the Arts and where America is heading. She indicated that even the Harvard Business Review indicated that companies are searching for leaders in creativity to move American business forward into functioning in the 21st century. That more businesses and MBA programs are bringing artists in to teach creative problem solving skills to their students.

"America is becoming an increasingly visual society." She quoted Daniel Pink - " We are all in the Art business." An interesting corrilation she made, while speaking about advocacy, was an interview with Wayne Gretsky. When asked what made him so good when he was slow and scrawney, he responded, "I don't skate to where the puck is, I skate to where the puck is going." >>>>>>> interesting! Where are we skating?

Autism in the Art Room

I attended a workshop on autism in the Art Room, presented by Linda Carwley from Pinellas County. She has several classes of self contained autistic students and has really done some wonderful work with them, dispite their disability. At this time I am not in this situation, but thought it might be valuable for the occasional autistic child that we do get at Chets Creek. It was enlightening to learn that giving them SIMPLE choices can create a real problem for them and that we must have patience with them while they process their choice. Being very tactile, they enjoy lessons involving texture AND color. Giving ONE instruction at a time can help keep them more focused on the project at hand as well as using "first.....then" statements to keep them on tract with the project at hand. Really received a lot of great info that can be used in my Art Room.

Peeling the Mathematical Onion

This session dealt with trying to close the gap between elementary, middle and high school mathematics. Math is not getting better as the grades go on. Every day,7,000 students drop out of school. There is an early gap – in First Grade. If math problems are noted in that grade, it increases as the years go on. Students may learn about numbers 0-10 but they are not learning about higher numbers 11-20 and their relationship with each other. 10% of the lowest level of eighth grade students are working six grades below grade level.

Algebra is becoming mandatory in the eighth grade around the nation. However, if the foundation for number sense is not strong, students will be lost and frustrated with mathematics. The speaker talked about the challenge for intervention. She said it is not about reteaching missed skills. The focus should be on rebuilding the critical foundation – a core set of knowledge – and connective learning streamlined to the most important topics.

Students should have a robust sense of whole numbers. Fluency equals numbers sense. Fluency is an understanding of place value, the ability to compare and decompose numbers, and grasp the meaning behind the operations (recognize addition and subtraction situations). It is so important that students have the knowledge to apply the operations of problem solving and understanding how to represent a problem (graphic organizers.)

A student was asked, “Do you know what 100 – 3 = ? – Yes, that’s 97. Do you now what 100 – 98 = ? No. That’s too hard. Instead of teaching subtraction as “take away” it should be taught as “distance from.” (Which I was glad that that’s how we teach it at CCE).

Big Ideas of Addition

Ten is an organizer of our number system. Numbers and be composed and decomposed. Students need time to practice and time to internalize. The 10-frame and the open number line is are useful and effective tools for this purpose.

The speaker spoke of pre-assessments and post-assessments, streamline lessons, and review in order keep teaching effective.

Written by Maria Mallon

Friday, October 17, 2008

FCTM: The Bag Ladies Make and Take

The Bag Ladies  are two wonderful classroom teachers, Karen Simmons and Cindy Guinn, from Palm Beach, FL. We learned some great tips for using a paper bag in the classroom for portfolios, projects, study guides, and so much more!

The project that we made was a paper bag folder for students to use to organize their math journal and vocabulary cards. (Check out the picture to the right.) The top pocket will neatly fit a composition book or file folders. There is also a smaller pocket in the front for note cards, smaller paper books, etc.  Basically, you cut the sides out of a paper bag so that it is one long strip. Fold the paper to the desired pocket size and use clear packaging tape to keep the sides together. 

The idea is that this homemade folder will help students get and stay organized with projects or assignments. It's a great, inexpensive way to house student work!

(Check out a project they have online.)

Artist Trading Cards

Judi Evans and I gave an AWESOME workshop today where we taught how to create Artist Trading Card books and how to teach the elements and principles of design through ATC's and bookmaking techniques. We showed student and personal examples of ideas that we have had and then we put out TONS AND TONS of "stuff" and had them just GO FOR IT!!! The books they made were phenomenol!! Beautiful! And the new and improved ideas that came out of it were brilliant! We talked, NOT ONLY, about how to use these in art class, but in reading - using the cards as a visual story but in the correct sequence in the book, social studies - the history of books, math - dealing with arrays, geometry, patterns, and many other ideas and science - nature prints, animal studies. It was just amazing! EVERYONE told us how wonderful it was and that they were glad they had come. Some even asked if we would be presenting a second time. It feels good to spread some good ideas.

Written by: Jen Snead

We've Got Problems

Upon entering the room, the feeling was one that it would be an engaging, hands-on meaningful presentation. The speaker was from the Volusia County School District. She reviewed the Big Idea (Compose and decompose two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric shapes) and Supporting Idea (Number and Operations). This included solving routine and non-routine problems by acting them out, using manipulatives, and drawing diagrams.

A few points were very interesting. She stated that the Grade Level Expectations used to be that a student could grasp a concept in 2-3 days. Now the GLE is 10 to 14 days. This allows teachers to focus and deepen understanding of concept that is being taught. In their county, there used to be and average of 83 standards to teach, now there are 18. Kindergarten has eleven. In addition, worthwhile mathematical tasks were emphasized in order to engage the student intellectually and to help develop math understanding.

It is important to note that reading is critical to Math. Students need to be able to read and interpret word problems and incorporate reading and math in the world around them. Furthermore, problem solving is a life skill. Teaching students how to go about problem-solving is necessary. Questions need to be asked such as:

ð What do I need to find out?
ð What do I need to know?
ð What is my solution?
ð Was my solution correct?
ð What if…?

We worked on a few hands on activities which included: Shifty Shapes (pattern blocks); Suitcase Solutions (tangrams); Shape Searches (decomposing shapes to identify hidden shapes); What is the One? (identifying relationships in fractions); Blocking Out Fractions (solve problems involving whole numbers, unit fractions, and mixed numbers).

“We’ve Got Problems” was a wonderful session that had us engaged in worthwhile mathematical tasks that I can’t wait to share with my students.

Written by: Maria Mallon

Thursday, October 16, 2008

FCTM: Math Party!

The final session of the day was one that Michelle, Ashley and I had been looking forward to.  The Math Party is a program founded by Dr. Stephanie Pasley that promotes learning through music. We sang, rapped, danced, and chanted the session away as we learned fun songs to get our kids excited about math. 

"Dr. Pasley has an extreme passion for educating children, and the performing arts; She was a fifth grade teacher in the Broward County Public School System. It is her work in the school system that has provided Dr. Pasley with a platform on which she has been able to combine her love of music and teaching style into a unique art form that transcends traditional teaching methodologies."

To get a taste of some of the songs and clips we participated in today, click here! I know the kids will be excited about this great program! "If you believe you shall achieve! FCAT, we're going to pass this test! HUH!"

FCTM: Math Fair in a Box

With no time for lunch, Ashley and I grabbed a bagel and rushed to the next presentation, Math Fair in a Box, presented by Carmen Sleeth. The description stated “Boost FCAT scores, increase family involvement and enhance student understanding with a Math Fair in a Box. All components included for a fantastic event!” We were not sure quite what to expect, but we knew it would be good.

We opened with an icebreaker – one of my favorite ones yet, might I add. (I can’t wait to try this one with my kids on Monday.) Everyone at the table holds hands. A balloon is thrown into the center of the table. You cannot let go of the hands beside you. “Balloon in the air, feet on the floor.”  As you can imagine, the room erupted with laughter as 40 adults in small groups tried to keep their balloons off the table top.

On to our learning. We were blown away by this product. The Math Fair in a Box is everything you need to host a successful family night centered around math. They are adaptable game stations that work well for large or small groups.

Game station topics include: geometry, visual and verbal communication, time and calendar, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, values of fractions and equivalent fractions, sorting, graphing, money, and spatial thinking to name a few. For more information on this product, contact Claudine Reece at 727-804-3409 or email at famathdisplays@yahoo.com

Great math sites recommended at this session include: FunBrain, Count On, Edu Place, Cool Math, Math Cats, Math Playground, Mathslice, A Plus Math, Play Kids Games

It's Game Time!

This session was presented by Angela Phillips and Rick Pinchot. Their session was about using instructional games to create an engaging and powerful forum for the development of students' strategies in addition and subtraction. A few minutes prior to the session beginning Angela and Rick went around the room to get to know the participants and find out where everyone was from and their backgrounds. This helped create an easy going atmosphere in the room. As the session began it was clear that everyone was spell bound by their presentation. The audience happily participated in the discussion and games. I believe the reason for this easy demeanor of the room is because of the dynamics of Angela and Rick. To watch them teach other teachers is a treat.

They began the session with a conversation about Dominoes. They wanted each table to add up the dominoes found in the middle of the table. This seems like an easy task with few differences. However, each table organized and counted their dominoes differently. It lead into a discussion of strategies and organization.

Next the room discussed the plus/delta's of using games in the classroom. Some of the plus': games are interactive, students are motivated, reinforces lessons already taught, multiple strategies are used. The delta's discussed: parents have misconceptions about games, missing pieces, noise level, preparation. Things to remember: recap the game to talk about what they have learned and play each game multiple times.

Rick and Angela also showed videos of students playing games from classrooms at Chets Creek. After watching a clip, the audience had the opportunity to discuss the work they saw and play the same games. It was a powerful session. I am sure all of the participants walked away with a new understanding of the importance of using games in math.

Math Activities for the Special Student in the Regular Classroom

Shirly Bradsby from Lakewood, CO presented a session on activities you can do with students with special needs or any student. She believes in a process approach to teaching. First you need to define the skill or objective. Then diagnose student needs. Provide appropriate activities and evaluate student learning. If needed reteach or corrective instruction. Lastly maintain student records on their progress.
She has written a teacher manual called Math Rescue: Whole Number Computation. The activities are presented in three categories: Concept Manipulative Activities, Practice Activities and Problem Solving Activities.

One concept manipulative activity she shared was Criss-Cross Multipliers. To play the game you would need spaghetti or sticks and overhead projector. You would create the array from the above picture under the overhead. You would ask the students what multiplication problem this array shows. (4 sticks X 3 sticks) Ask, "How can we determine the answer to 4 X 3?" (Count the places where the sticks cross.) You would have the students continue modeling a variety of multiplication problems. Someone thought this might be confusing to students if they tried to count the squares instead of the cross sections. Mrs Bradsby said you would need to make sure the students understood to only count the places where the two noodles crossed.

FCTM: Putting Place Value in Context

The first session Ashley and I attended, Putting Place Value in Context, was presented by Wendy Bray, Ph.D. from Rollins College. She presented on using real world contexts to support development of place value concepts. We explored problem types, student thinking and instructional strategies through base ten thinking. We also explored the idea that children can successfully solve a variety of problems with two digit numbers prior to understanding of base ten concepts.

We began by looking at the new Sunshine State Standards for first and second grade exploring place value. The standards are getting harder, but our goals are well defined. We looked at models of each state of the learner’s development as well an analyzing several student work samples. 

Check out the handouts below. Do your students fall within the base-ten strategies discussed? 

To zoom in, click the down arrow (second icon from the right) and click the plus sign. All handouts reprinted with permission from author.

FCTM - The Ants Go Marching

Today I had the opportunity to attend the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference that is being held in Jacksonville. The first session I attended was The Ants Go Marching. The presenter was Dr. Karol L. Yeatts from Warner Southern College.
Her session talked about using a study on ants to teach math and science. Some of the pre-number concepts she talked about were sorting and classifying, seriation, patterning, comparisons, counting and number relationships. She shared a list of ant facts she likes to teach her students. Did you know that ants can appear in shades of green, red, brown, yellow, blue or purple? Also an ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.

Dr. Yeatts also shared many games like Hide and Seek with an ant to teach spatial awareness, matching ants to number cards using raisins for one to one correspondence and singing and marching while singing The Ants Go Marching to teach seriation and Counting.

Dr. Yeatts shared a list of her favorite books to use during her ant study. Some of the stories are books that are familiar. Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros, One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor Pinczes, and Hey, Little Ant by Phillip Hoose are a few she showed us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're on the Road Again...

Just In Time Professional Development is back as crews from LIVE from the Creek are on the road again. So...in the new few days, look for posts from:

Friday, July 18, 2008

iTunes K-12

Did you know iTunes offers a K-12 resource section for teachers, parents, and students? Ready for the best part? Most of the things offered in this section are free! This is part of iTunes University or "iTunes U."

iTunes U has a large variety of podcasts available for download. One of the things I stumbeled across in my search was "Ask a Biologist," a program from ASU's Life and Sciences department. The podcasts episodes revolve around interviews with a scientist and his work in the life science field. Another interesting find was from Utah State. They actually have language lessons for the Navajo language. Montclair Public Schools in New Jersey has an entire section on various literature studies.

How do you access iTunes U?

Once in iTunes, click on the iTunes Store link on the left side of the screen. Then, click on iTunes U in the top left corner of the screen. This will take you to the main iTunes U page. Under the Find Education Providers about midway down the page on the left side, click the K-12 button. This will take you to the listing for all schools participating in this program. Happy hunting!

Apple - Engaging Today’s Learners with Innovative Technologies

This session was so much fun! We used many different technology tools to complete an experiment. (Some I have already and the others Melanie and I are dying to purchase after getting to use them!) The activities we did all centered on the topics of Global Awareness and becoming a 21st Century Learner. We explored the health of Wolf River, a river in Tennessee. This lesson can be adapted to any river/body of water. The tools can also be adapted to any subject area. Oh, the possibilities…

We began with hands on exploration of water samples and specimen samples from different parts of Wolf River. Each group was equipped with a Mac book, Proscope, a probe to analyze the water, and samples.

The sample items in our group included flowers, pine cones, small branches, etc. We had the opportunity to use the Proscope (I am dying to buy this one!) to take pictures of all of our items. Of course we all know how easy Macs are to use, but this was just a breeze. Plug in the Proscope, touch it to the object you want a picture of, “pull the trigger” and your picture is automatically on the Mac ready to use. No memory sticks, no discs, no formatting the pictures – just point and click and you are ready to go.

After we gathered all of our data and pictures, we compiled it to make a photo book using iPhoto. If you haven’t experimented with this program, you will love it! We simple dragged and dropped the photos we took with the Proscope into an album in iphoto and created a digital book of our findings. The digital books can either be printed from your classroom or created professionally and mailed to you with the click of a button. For this lesson, the books were printed to be presented to the local water authority so they could see the health of the river.

Next, we used iChat to hear from a local expert. We had the opportunity to interact with him – asking questions and sharing files – to gain more information about the river.
We used a Wiki to collaborate with other groups as we researched and to share our findings. Each group had their own page on the Wiki to which we uploaded podcasts that we created through GarageBand as public service announcements and asked each other questions. We explored blogs on water quality all over the world and shared our findings with many other classrooms. (You can also use a Ning for this type of sharing.)

My mind is racing with a million ideas for these tools in the classroom!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Apple's Tour of 21st Century Learning

Apple team members started out our session today with a startling mashup of facts.

* In Today's edition of USA TODAY it was reported that this is the first time we are having a higher number of births than the record in 1957. What does that mean for us as educators? More teachers will be needed! States across the country are rehiring the retiring teachers and reconsidering their DROP programs.


* The number of college graduates each year per country:
US 1.3 million
India 3.1 million
China 3.3 million

* How many searches are done on Google every month?
Approximately 2,700,000,000 !

* 50% of 21 year olds have created content on the web
they have: played 10,000 hours of video games
spoken 10,000 hours on the phone
have sent 250,000 emails or instant messages

Students shouldn't have to power down when they come to school. Are we preparing students for a global, digital economy? Will they be ready?

The Requirements and Rewards of a 21st Century School:

1) Figuring out the right questions and using skills to solve new problems
2) Working in teams
3) Working across discipline
4) Learning to find, communicate and apply information

5) Initiative and leadership in flat organizations and taking responsible risks
6) Merging time and commitments and prioritizing flexible time

These are just a sampling of some of the discussions we had in our tour of 21st Century Learning today. Many of these things seem centered upon Karl Fisch's Did You Know? video, which was an eye opener for me a year ago when I first saw it. As our school begins to take the shape of a 21st Century learning environment, I will use these suggested guidelines to help me in brainstorming, planning and following through with what we do as we enter this new frontier in learning.
What steps are you taking in your school?