Thursday, January 31, 2008

Virtual Tour...Take One

A large audience, about 100 participants, are settled into the Virtual Tour of CCE. Part I of the Virtual Tour is the movie Imagineer Melanie put together where Tink and the Fairy Godmother guide us through the school.

The Virtual Tour started in the front office with Mrs. Phillips introducing our vision and mission. Then, the participants Turn and Talked about our school's Data Story while the CCE Imagineers mingling with the participants answering questions.

The front lobby was the next destination where Principal Phillips spoke about our Rituals & Routines. Participants got to Turn and Talk and ask questions about particular Rituals and Routines.

Next, participants got to visit the conference room with a detailed description of our Professional Development including Teacher Meetings and Working on the Work (WOW) Days. Principal Phillips explained the coaching roles the school supports.
Afterward, we got a real treat. Videoconferencing technology allowed us to take the tour LIVE back to Jacksonville for a visit to Maria Mallon's kindergarten writers' workshop. Students were learning to use their classroom rubric to improve their writing. Haley Alvarado gracefully took our visitors on a tour of classroom artifacts while Maria conferenced with students during the work session. The live session wrapped with a debrief between Maria and the conference participants. How incredible it is that technology can support the sharing of live work from across the nation.
A special thanks to Maria and Haley, as well as the technical teams from Jacksonville, Florida and Hollywood, California for making this dream a reality.

Part II is now getting ready to begin... Standards-Based Bulletin Boards, Book of the Month, and Blogging...Take Two.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating us on Maria and Haley's videostream. Even though I'm at Chets Creek, I've been in my own classroom having readers' workshop. I like to stay connected with what is going on. It sounds like a fabulous day for the conference attendees. They are so lucky to have you all as presenters.

Lori M.

Anonymous said...

A few pertinent education related questions...
1. Does the immediate success of the movie mean that Melanie gets a star of her own?
2. If so, please remind her to remember the little people- like her fabulous office mates for example.
3. You all neglected to include some very important information-who were you wearing in these pictures???
4. Seriously, I echo Lori's thoughts. It is really interesting to feel like we are along for the ride. Have fun!
Jen Zawis

Mrs. Lauren Skipper said...

Way to go Maria and Haley!! I am so proud...Lauren

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the virtual tour went off without a hitch. I know that a lot of work went into it (boy, do I know?!), so it's great to know that it wasn't for nothing.

Who knows, maybe a big Hollywood producer caught a glimpse of it...probably not, but a boy can dream, eh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the minute by minute update! Can't wait to see what is happening next!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on such a great lesson Maria! You are the talk of the town! Thank you to all of you who have been keeping us updated through this blog! We miss you!

Dorry Lopez said...

I loved reading your Virtual Tour - Take One! I sure do feel like I am right there with you as you so masterfully gave us back at home a play by play of what you are experiencing. I am sure that those who are at this conference will not forget hearing the respected name of Chets Creek Elementary. All of you are doing a fabulous job keeping us updated, and we thank you for including us.
